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September 2018 Update

Updated: Nov 2, 2018

As always thanks for spreading the good HURC word. The team has been out of state for a good chunk of this month so here is a brief update. We will be getting back into the full swing of things in October.

(c) Jordan Lerma "Uheheu"


  1. We have been having some issues with people sending sightings to our personal cell phones and through social media. As much as we try to keep up with everything, sometimes sightings slip through the cracks. If you happen to catch a sighting on social media on your island, we ask that you reach out and try to encourage the party to submit via our website. The website form allows us to collect as much information as possible from the reporting party and it sends it to us in a .pdf that we can easily import into the database. The submission website link is:

  2. We are still working on operational funding / a financial advisory board. I am putting my nose to the grindstone and reaching out to prominent business owners, research supporters, etc. Please be sure to spread the word to people who may be interested in getting in on the ground floor of our collective.

  3. We can now receive fundraisers through Facebook. Hawaii Uncharted Research Collective can now be found in the non-profit list.

  4. Grants are slowly coming along. We have been moved on to the next round for a small grant with Natural Habitat Adventures, if chosen, this will pay for satellite tagging training in Mexico.

  5. A newer clothing company, Spacefish Army, has graciously decided to donate 10% of their profits to HURC. Check out their website and feel free to share the link if you feel so inclined:

  6. Travis and Stacia got married this past week in Colorado! Congrats to them!

Travis and Stacia got married!


The team will be heading to Maui and Lanai in October for several outreach presentations. The flyers are below and also available on our website to download and share.


1. - Environmental Monitor magazine:


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